Monday, December 12, 2011

Geologic Time Scale

My Geologic period time of Ordovician it was begin in 505 to 438 million years age ,most of world's land was collected together in the super continent in Gondwana. north American come land with a Karts on expose carbonate rocks that developed.
What did you enjoy most about this project?
something i enjoyed  about this project was that you have choice to either work with someday or a long and also enjoyed make the video choosing music and background color.
What was the most challenging about this project?Why?
The challenging part about this project is finding different information because all the information are in diffrent wed sits and you have choose the right information in each type.
What you would you change about this project and why?
Somethings i would change about this project is to work with partner and when I'am work along ,try to do it fast so i can start working on the extra credits.
What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
Three things i learned about this project is the the primitive plants appear on land it the first corals it high sea levels at first global. During the Ordovician the Altaic ocean closed as Europe moved toward s north American.
And many things were alive during the Ordovician many thing were alive.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Stars

What is a star?
A star is a large balls of hot gas.they look small because they are a long away but many are bigger and brighter than the sun they have different colors and size of stars.  Stars are made of gas and dust in a big cloud, cloud gets smaller because of the gravity as it become hotter,when it hot enough the Nuclear Reactions can start in the middle than it born .
There are four type of stars there are super Giants, Giants,Main sequence and  white dwarfs, white dwarf is old star dim, small bright,and hot stars. 

Nuclear Fusion is nuclear reaction inside a two a star change two hydrogen gas 
molecules in helium molecule and it create energy.

Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram is a graphical that astronomers use to classify star according to their luminosity,spectral type color and temperatures.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Planet Mars

 Planet order 6 from the sun
 Distance from the sun  249,209,300km 
 Mass is 6.4185x10km diameter 6800 km
Rotation 24 hour 37minute revolution 687 days
Number of Moons two terrestrial.

Planet Description:

  •      Mars is kind of a beautiful planet. It's red and it's location is between Earth and Jupiter. It's the fourth closest to the sun it is very cold planet.

it reddish surface created by the iron in martian rocks.
  • Mars has two moons.

2Interesting Facts:
  • Mars is also called the red planet.
  • The tallest mountain in the solar system called olympus mons.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking

1.What is a hurricane?
 A Hurricane is swirling a storm that produce strong winds and a lot of rains. And have many flooding during Hurricane which effects the population a lot on damaging houses, trees and it can also cause less economics by damaging the houses and sometimes car when the trees fall over to a car the car will break which people will need money to fit it. 

2. What is a high tide and what cause it ?
High tide is when the water rise up from the ocean. The causes of high is changing  of the moon earth water level and also hurricane causes high tides.

3.What is a saturation(zone) mean?
Saturation zone is the area that is filled with a lot of water.

4.What is flooding and why is it dangerous?
Flooding is when the water over flow usually places like on the streets.And it dangrous because it can damage the environment like houses trees and bring up diseases into humans lives.

5.What is something that you like about this mini project?
Something that i like about this is how everybody work and share they ideas about the topics and i also learned about the some topics.

6.What was difficult about for you on this project?
The difficult part for me was to learn the vocabulary words and how to use them in sentence.

7.What would you change about your work on this project?
Somethings  i would change about my project  is to add more vocabulary and explain more about the topics.

8.How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
This project help me learn a lot about hurricane irene because i never study hurricane before and this is the first i'm study and i learn a lot about hurricane like how hurricane happened and what causes hurricane which is strong winds and a lot of rains.hurricane-diagram.gif (450×397)