Friday, May 11, 2012

Learning About Minerals!!

Minerals are non thing solid occurs naturally in the lithospher it found everywhere on earth.All minerals have differnt charachteristics or properties that describes them and those are aid in their identification. The color of minerals can be determined by looking at it and its sreak however if mineral is shiny and silver is most be made out of metal .Minerals are form under the earth's surface they can be form by the cooling magma/lava,changes in pressure and temperature inside earth. All minerals have hardness and softness, some minerals are cleavage ( break evenly )and fracture (break unevenly)However minerals are very important because you can make many things by minerals everyday.

What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

Something that I enjoyed about this project  is getting konw to many type of minerals and working with awesome partner and I also like that each person have partner to work with.

 What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging part for me during this project was collecting all the imformations and
findinhg the compositionof the minerals.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
During this Ididn't learned any new skill  because the things that I did was finding imformation and I have done ready.

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?Explain.
Something I could have done to improve my work is to try to finish earler not wait untill  the last minute because than the teacher have time to check if everything correct or not. 

Identifying Minerals

Minerals are non thing solid occurs naturally in the lithospher it found everywhere on earth.All minerals have differnt charachteristics or properties that describes them and those are aid in their identification. The color of minerals can be determined by looking at it and its sreak however if mineral is shiny and silver is most be made out of metal .Minerals are form under the earth's surface they can be form by the cooling magma/lava,changes in pressure and temperature inside earth. All minerals have hardness and softness, some minerals are cleavage ( break evenly )and fracture (break unevenly)However minerals are very important because you can make many things by minerals everyday.

What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

Something that I enjoyed about this project  is getting konw to many type of minerals and working with awesome partner and I also like that each person have partner to work with.

 What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging part for me during this project was collecting all the informations and
finding the composition of the minerals.

What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
During this Ididn't learned any new skill  because the things that I did was finding imformation and I have done ready.

Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?Explain.
Something I could have done to improve my work is to try to finish earler not wait untill  the last minute because than the teacher have time to check if everything correct or not. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The World's layer

Topics: Plate boundaries,Plate Tectonic &Faults.
Activities: 3Mini poster&BrainPop Video.
Lithosphere is the solid part of the earth. There three type of Faults Normal fault (rocks moves down) Reverse fault  (Rock move upward) and Strike slip  (rock slide past each other). the plate when the crust is broken into piece that move on top of the liquid mantle (asthenosphere) is where the Convection current happens that moves the plate floating on the mantle, plate are divide into piece because the plate tectonice theory. the tectonic plate are also part of the lithosphere. And the plate boundaries is the border between two plate. Divergent boundary ( plates moving apart) Convergent boundary plate come together Transform boundary plate slide past each other moving opposite direction.these also causes Earthquake and Tsunamis to occurs.

Topics: Earthe;s Interior
Activities: 2Foldable &Song

Ashenosphere is the air that on the earth it allows gases solide and liquids. part of the lithosphere moves around of the earth caused by movement of the mantle.the continental crust is the thick part of the earth's crust ,that is made up of large the upper mantle of the earth's interior characterized by low density. the zone of the earth's mantle lying beneath the lithosphere believe to be hotter and more fluid than the lithosphere. the mantle is the inside of the earth's surface and  crust is the outside of the earth. crust is also wherewe live in. 

Mantle a very thick and made up of the molten rock that is like liquid and flows very slowly like honey.the mantle lies between the crust and the core of the earth. The inner core is solid it made up of nickel and iron, the outer core is liquid and it made up of melted(iron and nickel), and the mantle solid/plastic. This is because of the relative melting points of the different layers in the Earth's interior.It moves the plates of the crust with convection currents.

Tamar & Houssai from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.

Critical Thinking Question
Do you agree with the theory of the plate tectonics? why or why not?
I agree with the theory of plate  tectoinc that landmass are broken into piece scientists Alfred Wegener proved that by providing evidence Fossils, rock records, mountain ranges and the puzzle. when all continents were together and how everything fall apart as we live in today also all  the earthquakes and tsunamis that are happening in the countries.

1.What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
the most thing I enjoyed about this project is that we have a lot of choices to do the project and I really enjoyed doing the video music because I never done something like that before so it was really cool for me to try something different.

2.What was the most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging for me during this was finding all the information of each topic and making sure all the project was complete on time.

3.What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned how to make video on imove and how record music.

4.Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?Explain
Something that I would to improve my work is to get tested in all the topics that I did because that would improve my grade more.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Axis-Imaginary line that goes through the middle of the earth.

Equator _A line that divides Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

Direct sunlight - when lights from the sun hits the earth a straight line.

Indirect sunlight _When the light from the sun hits the earth at an angle.

Hemisphere _ A half of the earth.

Earth's Revolution _ Earth's movement around the sun.

Summary of Seasons
 seasons are  one of the four period of the year which is spring, summer, autumn, and winter. seasons are caused by it tilt and it revolution around the sun. When the earth's axis points toward the direct sunlight ,it is summer for that hemisphere. and when the earth's axis points indirect sunlight , it is winter fro that hemisphere .Seasons change because of the earth's movement around the sun every year.

Critical Thinking Question.
How is earth affected by movement(revolution)?
 The Earth's is movement causes the seasons to happen otherwise we only have two seasons winter and summer every year. So as the earth rotate around the sun it changing the seasons which is summer , winter, spring, and fall.and when the axis points direct sunlight  it becomes summer for that hemisphere and whenever the axis is points indirect sunlight it winter in the northern hemisphere.  

1.What did you enjoy most this project and why?
What I enjoy most about this is that project i get to learn about different topics that everybody did in class and the teacher also give us a choice about what topic you want you want to do so that what i enjoyed about project.

2.What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging for me during this project was be the narrator because i don't want to make mistake everything i read for my group  and also finding the picture because you  have make sure you find the right picture about the topic you are doing.

What new skills did you from doing this project?
The new skill i learned from this project is taking responsibility by helping your group they needed to make everything better and to become lead in the group.

3.Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
i wish i could make my Mimi poster really creative and  i also wish that my group could be in the same page as everyone else when it come to working together in one group so the work can be done really well and  also complete all the work you should do so the group could have good grade  on the project.